Our Confessional Statement.

In addition to the following statement, we uphold the traditional creeds of the Christian Church such as the Apostles Creed and the New Hampshire Confession of Faith 1853.

We believe in the Holy Trinity, one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit, coexistent and coeternal. God is the transcendent and sovereign creator of all things. He exercises authority over everything, is outside of space and time, and is present in his creation yet distinct from it.

We believe in Jesus Christ, that he entered into human history, fully God and fully human, as a fulfillment of the Bible. He lived a perfect human life, died an atoning death, resurrected, ascended, presently reigns, and will return to restore his people and creation. He is the perfect example of human flourishing and shows his disciples how to live as kingdom people.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, God himself, who indwells Jesus' people, empowering them for service, sanctifying them in the gospel, and changing them into Christ's likeness. He graciously gives every Christian gifts. We affirm God's activity in the world for his gracious and life-giving purposes.

We believe the Holy Scriptures are God-breathed, every word being inerrant and fully inspired (in the original manuscripts), and are the supreme guide in doctrine, life, practice, history, and reality. We affirm the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and New Testament as Christian Scripture.

We believe that God created everything material and immaterial. Everything God created was good and he created human beings (starting with Adam and Eve) very good. We believe that creation exists to point to the truth, beauty, and goodness of God and that humanity is created to glorify our transcendent God, living in his presence, finding our satisfaction in him, and caring for his creation.

We believe God created humans, male and female, in his image and are therefore equal yet distinct and complementary. God created humans to flourish in relationship with him, to love other humans, and to participate in God’s kingdom-building activity and care for his creation. Marriage is a common-grace gift, a covenant between a man and a woman. Men are called to be servant-hearted leaders in the context of the local church and the family.

We believe that all humans have sinned in the wrong things they have done, the right things they have done for the wrong reasons, in the good things they have left undone, and in their idolatry. As the first humans rebelled against God, sin, death, and brokenness entered the world. Everyone requires redemption that comes from outside of themselves to be made right with God.

We believe Jesus saves sinners from death to life and that it is his gracious action through his victorious, vicarious, and atoning life, death, and resurrection. Humans receive Jesus as an act of grace, evidenced by believing and confessing Jesus and living in union with him. Jesus saves us from Satan, sin, death, and ourselves.

We believe Jesus saves saints to life in the New Covenant and the Kingdom of God. As people saved to life in King Jesus, we live in allegiance to him, with new hearts, and new minds, living in the power of the resurrection, and indwell by his Holy Spirit. We live as the people of God’s presence and ambassadors of God’s kingdom in real-time. We live under the all-encompassing authority of Jesus, loving God and others, bearing his image, and creating God-glorifying culture and community as light in the world. Our life in Jesus is demonstrated by our worshipful response to the gospel and the good Jesus works in us.

We believe in the Kingdom of God, and that the gospel is a proclamation of the reality of Jesus’ kingdom which is present now and coming in fullness at God’s appointed time. As people living under the rule and reign of Jesus, we seek to do good to all and to be a blessing to society and seek the creation of culture and the cultivation of human flourishing that points to Jesus. We live in the world and culture and yet, because of Jesus, district in them. All of redemptive history is leading up to Jesus’ messianic restoration of God’s people and his creation. Jesus’ people live as a foretaste of this reality.

We believe in the Church. The Christian Church comprises all believers across time; a local church is a specific expression of that larger reality. All Christians are called to be members of a local congregation. A local church is responsible for the right preaching of God's Word and the proper administration of the ordinances instituted by Jesus, namely, communion and baptism.

We believe in the New Heavens and the New Earth and that Jesus will visibly return, humanity will be resurrected, and God will judge all people. Those who rejected God will pay the price for their sins in hell. Those who received Christ will dwell with God forever in the New Creation where the dwelling place of God will be with humanity and where all things will have been renewed and sin and death will be no more.

Everything is about Jesus.

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