The basic structure of All Saints starts with meaningful membership. The members of All Saints covenant together to form the church and, as a people, appoint elders to lead our congregation.

The Congregation. Jesus’ design is that Christians gather together in local churches. We believe that churches form around God’s Word and that those local congregations are responsible for maintaining the church's doctrine, the appointment of elders and deacons, and the affirmation of new members.

Meaningful Membership. Joining a local congregation is an affirmation of the gospel witness of that church. When a church welcomes a new member into fellowship, they affirm that person's Christian confession. To be a church member is to take responsibility for the a people and for that people to take responsibility for the member. This responsibility includes helping one another live out their union with Jesus, their life together as Jesus’ people, and helping each other live on Jesus' mission to the world.

Biblical Eldership. The elders are a plurality of servant leaders who care for and oversee the congregation and its ministry structures. They are responsible for guiding the church, caring for the members, and equipping the congregation for the work of ministry. We use the word “pastor” and “elder” synonymously.

Pastoral Staff. Pastoral staff are elders who have specific responsibilities and are in the employ of the church. These pastors do not have more authority, rather they have more responsibility delegated to these men by their fellow elders.

Current All Saints Elders

Victor Litovchenko

Rich Strotz

Andrew Pack

Contact the All Saints elders at

Our Lead Pastor

Andrew Pack loves Jesus and seeing people grow in his gospel. He and his wife (along with their seven kids) love Whatcom County and want to see as many people as possible know him here. Andrew has served in ministry in the Pacific Northwest for almost twenty years.

In addition to his role as a pastor with All Saints, he serves on the faculty of Western Seminary. As a professor, he focuses on biblical spirituality, Christian formation, church worship, and the history of philosophy. He holds a Doctor of Education degree with a focus on spiritual formation (Southern Seminary), a Master of Theology (Western Seminary), and a Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies (Western Seminary). He hosts the Food Trucks in Babylon Podcast and is the current vice president of the Northwest Chapter of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Everything is about Jesus.

We would love to hear from you.