Everything is about Jesus.

Our Response to Jesus.

Because Jesus is King. The truth of the gospel is the center of life, history, and reality. The truth is that Jesus came and lived the life we should have lived, died the death we deserve, and rose from the dead. Jesus is the center of history, the story of redemption, and the whole point of the Scriptures. The reality of the good news is that Jesus came to save sinners from death to life, to make us right with God, and to give us new life lived for his glory as we enjoy him. We can do nothing to earn God’s love and grace; rather, Jesus has done it all. Jesus has saved us to life in him, life with his people, and life on his mission. Because of the gospel of Jesus, we seek to joyfully respond to him by planting a new church in Whatcom County.

Simple Church. We seek to plant a simple church. We are a people coming together around the truth of Jesus and his Word, the Bible. We aim to glorify God and make much of Jesus, and we believe one of the best ways we can do this is to gather a new, convictional, contextual church in Whatcom County. A church centered on line-by-line preaching, simple liturgy, and the Lord’s Table on Sundays, focused on spiritual formation and life-on-life community through the week, and participating in Jesus’ mission personally, locally, regionally, and globally.

Making Disciples and Creating Kingdom Community. As Jesus’ people, we live as his ambassadors who are saved from sin to life in union with him, imaging him, and indwelt by his Spirit. As the people of God, it is our joy to create a God-glorifying culture and a God-glorifying community. We live as light in a dark world as those living under the reign of Jesus and proclaimers of the good news of his Kingdom to a broken world. Together, we aspire to glorify Jesus by cultivating a congregation with meaningful membership that together experiences growth in the gospel, is formed by God’s Spirit, and prepares one another to live as disciple-makers and ambassadors of the gospel to Whatcom County and beyond.

Because Jesus is King.

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